Bass, Cello, Guitar, Drums

Favorite Star Wars Character: 
Jar Jar Binks

Favorite Verse:
Ephesians 2: 8-10 “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advanced for us to do.”

Favorite Book of the Bible: 

Favorite Worship Song: 
It is Well, You’re Beautiful (Phil Wickham)

Favorite Supertones Song: 
Adonai because Mojo wrote my favorite all time Supertones lyrics…”To Y’shua me salvitore, gotta give you all the glory, God I give you all my fears, God I give you all my years. You’re my God and I will bow, I’ll show the proud people how, You’re my God and I will bow, in fact I think I’ll bow right now

Favorite Movies: 
Rocky 1-2 and 4, (I cry at the end of each of those, no joke…ask my wife), Braveheart, Waiting for Guffman, Groundhog’s Day, What about Bob, It’s a Wonderful Life

Favorite Books: 
Who has any time to read?

Favorite Bands: 
James Brown, The Meters, Specials, Operation Ivy, Fishbone, Bouncing Souls, Hillsongs United

Favorite Phone App: 
DropBox, GeoCache

Type of Cell Phone: 
Samsung Galaxy

Approximate # of songs in iTunes:
11 trillion

Favorite thing to do on a day off:
Movie and Rubio’s with the best Wife, Son and Daughter a guy could ever ask for.

Music, fishing, golf, gardening

Wacky and Intersting facts about you that noone would normally know:
I live in rural Orange County and have 6 chickens

Best band moment or memory:
Worcester Mass. when the power went out and could not be turned back on but we played anyway acoustically in for 1500 people no mics or amps….great memory!

Funniest band moment:
Lighting fireworks on the side of the road in New Mexico, Dave’s bag of goodies caught on fire and bottle rockets went blazing everywhere and almost blew up a nearby gas station, don’t try this at home kids.

Favorite show or tour and why:
Puerto Rico in 1999 because we opened for Stryper, and we were in Puerto Rico. Audio A tour in 1998 because we flew rockets everyday, and those guys are rad!

Do your prefer beach, mountains or forest?
Mountains so I can fly fish

Short bio of yourself (including when you joined the band, family, etc.)
Married to the amazing Emy Terusa, she is the love of my life and challenges and refines me in such awesome ways. Two kids Ellena (12) and Anthony (7), nobody has better kids than I do! Joined band in 1992, stepped out in 2003 to be with family, pursued a career in landscape which I still do to this day. Have served on my churches worship team for over 15 years.

Ministries, special links:

Facebook Account: Tony Terusa